Sunday, October 21, 2012

Is a Little Tolerance Too Much to Ask?

noun /ˈtäl(ə)rəns/ 
tolerances, plural
The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with
- the tolerance of corruption
- an advocate of religious tolerance

I don't know when we became completely inundated with data, opinions, advice, entertainment, rules, regulations, laws, belief systems, religions, ethics, morals, values, sexual orientation, nationalities, languages, school systems, etc. All I know is that there is no such thing as "multi-tasking," consumerism is the devil, more and bigger is not always better, God and family comes first, and all we need is love.

This video is touching.  Our future is in the hands of our youth.  As old and cliche as it may sound, sometimes its best to pull in the reigns a bit and slow down....get back to the basics.  

I can't even believe I'm writing a blog on this topic!  I feel so old!  Its the truth, though.  We have lowered the bar and lowered the bar continuously for so many years that certain standards have vanished.  I'll use the rate of divorce as an example.  And as a side note-I'm divorced.  I note that b/c I'm writing this blog not in judgement or to condemn anyone.  I'm writing on this topic b/c I would like to find a healthy balance between tolerating and standing up for my values-both with love and genuine concern for the future of our children and future generations.

Where is the line between being tolerant and being true to our values?       

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