Monday, December 17, 2007

'Tis the Season

Happy Holidays, everyone! I've been a scrooge this year and it was time to snap out of it! My son, Owen, and I went to visit Santa this weekend. With the 7-10 inches of snow we got, we were also able to do some sledding! So I've gotten into the spirit just a little, thanks to Santa, a little snow, and a very energetic 2 year old!

If you're like me, the holidays spell misery. The dark days, cold weather, and snow are enough to make you want to crawl into your bed and stay there until the first signs of spring.

Here are some ways to snap out of seasonal depression and move on with your life:

  • DIET: Diet is important in the treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Because the appetite tends to increase, if a careful food regimen is not adhered to, weight gain becomes an added problem. Avoid sweets and starchy or fatty foods. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables, instead.

  • EXERCISE: Exercise is important as well, and the best exercise is walking outdoors, especially on bright sunny days. Even if the temperature is subzero, if the sun is out, you should be too. Soak up as much of those golden rays as you can.

  • LIGHT THERAPY: Keep your house bright. Big windows. Drapes or blinds wide open. Bright lighting, full spectrum fluorescent if possible.

So grab your kids (if you don't have any, borrow some), your coat, hat, gloves, and a good sled and get outside! How does the saying lemons? Make lemonade!

P.S. It doesn't hurt to invest in a good humidifier, too!

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